Totuma Breast Cancer | STASH MAGAZINE

Treading the Fine Line for Breast Cancer

Creating hundreds of visual “boob” metaphors looks like a fun project but Totuma CD Hubert Reinfeld says creating this breast cancer awareness campaign for Lifetime Latin America was among the most difficult he and his crew have ever attempted.

“My mother and my sister-in-law are both breast cancer survivors, but in order to make a successful campaign on the subject we need to communicate with people that don’t have Cancer and that don’t want to think about it.

“That’s why we wanted to start the campaign only thinking in ‘boobs’ or a pair of elements that make you think in them, so it becomes a light game at the beginning, something fun to share in social media, nothing too dark or deep.

“But we also needed to communicate, or at least not alienate, people going through Cancer right know, or are survivors, or even already lost somebody to the illness. So there’s this fine line between all those elements, in the end this is NOT a game.

“We wanted to communicate a strong message but in a light way, be relevant in the huge amount of communication noise we live in without insulting anybody… not easy.

“It has been an intense journey, full of strong
emotions and feelings.

“And I’m still not sure we even succeed, or failed miserably. We only hope our little campaign contributes somehow to educate and create awareness on the overwhelming statistics: 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer over their lifetime.

“We tried to end the spot with two real survivors. The original idea was to have a couple of round bold heads, but it was impossible to find women willing to appear on camera in such a delicate physical and psychological state. Again, not easy.

“The final shots are fake, so we made them anonymous not showing their faces, but also trying to put several different skin tones to try embracing all people.

“Dedicated, with love, to all those whose lives have been touched by cancer, specially to our personal heroines:
Gladys Redondo de Reinfeld (mamá),
Gabi Valladares,
Annie Reinfeld,
Laura Velazquez,
Carmen E. Montcourt.

Campaign Directed by:

Creative Director (Totuma):
Hubert Reinfeld

Art Directors:
Vladimir Mihalkov
Cristina Briceño

Vladimir Mihalkov
Hubert Reinfeld

Creative Director (LifeTime Latam):
Pedro Gonzalez

Marketing Director (LifeTime Latam):
Nathalie Alvarez

Hubert Reinfeld
Lucy De Freitas

Live Action Directors:
Vladimir Mihalkov
Hubert Reinfeld
Juan Pablo Enis

Director of Photography:
Juan Carlos Castillo

Vladimir Mihalkov

Graphic Design:
Cristina Briceno
Alejando Ocando

Animator & Compositor:
Alejandro Ocando

Marcial Gonzalez

Color Correction:
Vladimir Mihalkov

TimeLapse Photo:
Leo Reinfeld

Ashley Hernandez
Lucy De Freitas
Gernesha Lundy

Making of:
Ashley Hernandez

Sound Design & Mix:
Studio Pararrayos

Original Music:
L. Boccherini: Musica
Notturna delle Strade di Madrid