“Freeze Frame” Short Film by Serafima Serafimova

Director, animator, and sound designer Serafima Serafimova in London: “The Winter Olympics played a big part in my childhood. It was always on the telly and I remember family time spent marveling at the athletes who, to this day, I still think of as superheroes.

“In a year filled with uncertainty and fear, I found comfort in the upcoming 2022 Winter Olympics and the joy and positive energy it will bring.

“I made Freeze Frame in the hope that it would recreate some of the magic I have grown to love and associate with the event. We could certainly use some of it to get us all through the winter months to come.”

Director/animator: Serafima Serafimova
Music: Anbr “Continent”
Music Remix: Mark Batch
Sound Design: Serafima Serafimova
Compositing/Moral Support: Giulia Bavagnoli