With innovative animation from LOBO set to the plaintive vocals of Billie Holiday, this short film produced for non-profit SAFE Project thru FCB Health New York provides a powerful metaphor to stick with your dry (or damp) January.
Mateus de Paula Santos, CD at LOBO: “Creating this film required continuous learning. Through 2D Diffusion Render, we combined human expertise with AI to merge nostalgia with innovation.
“The seamless integration of artistry and technology-enhanced production efficiency elevated the creative standard, resulting in a film that balances timeless craftsmanship with modern innovation.”
“The AI-driven tools and processes were brought in during the animation rendering stage, helping the film achieve a distinct visual style that would have been difficult to achieve through conventional methods. The seamless integration of artistry and technology-enhanced production efficiency elevated the creative standard, resulting in a film that balances timeless craftsmanship with modern innovation.
“Together, these innovations enabled the animators to transform traditionally animated 2D sequences into highly customizable visuals tailored to each project’s narrative and aesthetic needs, allowing for a variety of finishes, including realistic 3D, handmade stop-motion, moving paintings, and more.”
Client: SAFE Project
Chief Executive Officer: Jeff Horwitz
Executive Director, Substance Use and Behavioral Health: Leslie Plaia
Director of Communications and Marketing: Mike LaBrie
Agency: FCB Health New York
CCO: Kathleen Nanda
EVP, Group Creative Director/Head of Art/Art Director: Érico Braga
EVP, Group Creative Director/ Art Director: Fábio Rodrigues
SVP Creative Director/Copywriter: Roberto Vilhena
VP, Creative Director/Art Director: Bob Buzas
VP, Creative Director/Copywriter: Andy Goodman
SVP, Group Executive Producer: Rebecca Binder
Director, Print Production: John Santangelo
Print Production Supervisor: Reid Thomas
Production: LOBO
Creative Director: Mateus de Paula Santos
Director: Mateus de Paula Santos, Tiago Marcondes, Diogo Kalil