Piktura Students Find Hope in Tragedy With Animated Short Film “Ferme les Yeux”

A team of seven 5th-year students at French digital arts school Piktura unravels a tragic tale of “a heavy secret and oblivious parents” in an artful and ultimately hopeful animated short film called Ferme les Yeux (Close Your Eyes).

Animated in 3D as faux-stop-motion and staged inside a claustrophobic world constructed of fragile mosaics, the film found major success on the festival circuit, having been selected for 74 screenings and winning 11 awards.

Watch the making of film:

Piktura Ferme les Yeux Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Piktura Ferme les Yeux Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Piktura Ferme les Yeux Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Piktura Ferme les Yeux Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Piktura Ferme les Yeux Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE
School: Piktura
Director/animator: Manon Bérardengo, Audrey Defonte, Léo Depoix, Denis Koessler, Clémentine Laurent, Pierre Guislain, Chloé Boursier

Original Music: Dorian Lehmann
Sound design: Audrey Defonte
Mix: Christian Cartier

Distributor: Je Regarde