Xinyue Gu Explores A Woman’s Loss of Self in Spec TV Titles

Xinyue Gu a motion designer based in Savannah, GA, combines both delicate and disturbing imagery into a speculative personal take on the titles for the TV adaptation of the Korean novel The Fruit of My Woman.

Xinyue Gu: “The story depicts how over the years of marriage, the wife gradually transforms from someone yearning for freedom and appearing younger than others into an aged, submissive, and withering soul.

“I visualized this textual fantasy to depict the process of a woman being continually suppressed in marriage, forced to retreat inward, and gradually losing her sense of self.”

“Using a Kafkaesque style similar to The Metamorphosis, the novel eventually turns the wife into a plant on the balcony, dependent on the husband to water her in order to survive. And like most plants, she reaches the end of life as winter approaches.

“Using photo-realistic rendering, I visualized this textual fantasy to depict the process of a woman being continually suppressed in marriage, forced to retreat inward, and gradually losing her sense of self.”
Xinyue Gu TV series titles Fruit of My Woman | STASH MAGAZINE

Xinyue Gu TV series titles Fruit of My Woman | STASH MAGAZINE

Xinyue Gu TV series titles Fruit of My Woman | STASH MAGAZINE

Xinyue Gu TV series titles Fruit of My Woman | STASH MAGAZINE

Xinyue Gu TV series titles Fruit of My Woman | STASH MAGAZINE
Director/animator: Xinyue Gu

Music: Soulish