“UNICEF & Rabbids: Consent” PSA by Supamonks

Paris character animation masters Supamonks borrow members of the Raving Rabbids (aka Lapins crétins) and the guaranteed chaos that follows them to deliver an important message to children about their rights for UNICEF.

From the team at Supamonks: “All children have the right to be protected against violence, it is enshrined in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.”

The Rabbids were originally launched by Ubisoft as antagonists in the video game franchise Rayman.
UNICEF Rabbids Consent PSA by Supamonks | STASH MAGAZINE

UNICEF Rabbids Consent PSA by Supamonks | STASH MAGAZINE

UNICEF Rabbids Consent PSA by Supamonks | STASH MAGAZINE

UNICEF Rabbids Consent PSA by Supamonks | STASH MAGAZINE

UNICEF Rabbids Consent PSA by Supamonks | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: UNICEF

Production: Supamonks