The Tyranny of Symmetry: “Twin Islands” Animated Short

The latest in a long line of remarkable films created by students at French digital animation school Supinfocom, “Twin Islands” tells the tale of sister kingdoms where every facet of life must submit to the tyranny of symmetry.

Fresh off a successful festival run, the film takes a sudden turn when the Queen of Twin Island West gives birth to a single baby (instead of the usual twins) and her husband the King must take radical steps to save the child.
Twin Islands animated short film by Supinfocom students | STASH MAGAZINE

Twin Islands animated short film by Supinfocom students | STASH MAGAZINE

Twin Islands animated short film by Supinfocom students | STASH MAGAZINE

Twin Islands animated short film by Supinfocom students | STASH MAGAZINE

Twin Islands animated short film by Supinfocom students | STASH MAGAZINE

Twin Islands animated short film by Supinfocom students | STASH MAGAZINE

Twin Islands animated short film by Supinfocom students | STASH MAGAZINE

Twin Islands animated short film by Supinfocom students | STASH MAGAZINE

School: Supinfocom
Director: Manon Sailly, Lara Cochetel, Raphaël Huot, Christine Jaudoin, Charlotte Sarfati, Fanny Teisson