Stop Motion Masterwork “Goutte d’Or”

So here’s the thing: the love interest is nubile, naked, flies a broom, and her octopus-wig doubles as her chaperone fending off the lusty advances of an undead, one-eyed old pirate captain while three also-undead sailors hang around playing musical wingmen.

The plot may be rabidly politically incorrect to some but it doesn’t change the level of craft and atmosphere achieved by Danish director/animator Christophe Peladan and his crew who spent six years at The Animation Workshop in Denmark crafting the film, a stop-motion tour de force with CG backgrounds.

Cool fact: Peladan spent two years as a stop-motion animator at Aardman working on the Oscar-nominated feature “The Pirates: Band of Misfits.”
Christophe Peladan Goutte d'Or | STASH MAGAZINE

Producer: Happy Flyfish
Co-producer: ExFool’s Production
Director: Christophe Peladan
Character animator: Brian Leif Hansen
Sound design: Tim Prebble

Support: The Animation Workshop, The West Danish Film Fund, The Film Workshop, Open Workshop, The Danish Animation Society ANIS, and the Viborg Council.