From the release:
Hoji Tsuchiya, the stop-motion rebel who’s had us enthralled for ages, is now part of the NOMINT crew.
You may know Hoji from “Spring time-old man”, a whimsical little masterpiece, or “The Scuffing Song” for Pocari Sweat, which snagged a Yellow Pencil at DA&D Awards 2024 and Gold at Ciclope Festival 2023.
“This Tokyo-forged, Berlin-honed master of experimental animation crafts entire surreal worlds with scissors, ink, a lightbox, and whatever else is lying around, turning scraps of paper into existential poetry so beautiful, it hurts.
Hoji’s process? Think lo-fi genius meets high-concept vision. His films are pure, enchanting artistry brimming with originality and fueled by an excruciating dedication that’s wildly impressive.
This isn’t just a new signing. It’s a creative collision of the very best kind and we can’t wait to work with Hoji.