Samsung NeoQLED 8K Product Film by Bicture

From the team at Bicture in Seoul, South Korea: “We produced a new Samsung TV model NeoQLED 8K product promotion video released at CES in Las Vegas in 2022.

“We wanted to capture more enhanced functions and new brand identity in the video.”
Samsung NeoQLED 8K Product Film Bicture | STASH MAGAZINE

Samsung NeoQLED 8K Product Film Bicture | STASH MAGAZINE

Samsung NeoQLED 8K Product Film Bicture | STASH MAGAZINE

Samsung NeoQLED 8K Product Film Bicture | STASH MAGAZINE

Samsung NeoQLED 8K Product Film Bicture | STASH MAGAZINE

Samsung NeoQLED 8K Product Film Bicture | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Samsung

Production: Bicture