“One-Eyed Willy” Escape Room Trailer by Edu Torres and Diego Cavallaro

Director/animators Edu Torres and Diego Cavallaro at two&tall in Barcelona: “The idea was to reinforce the experience for an escape room, through a cinematic trailer/opening of the theme, inspired by Steven Spielberg’s Goonies character One-Eyed Willy.

Watch the making-of video:

"One-Eyed Willy" Escape Room Trailer by Edu Torres and Diego Cavallaro | STASH MAGAZINE

"One-Eyed Willy" Escape Room Trailer by Edu Torres and Diego Cavallaro | STASH MAGAZINE

"One-Eyed Willy" Escape Room Trailer by Edu Torres and Diego Cavallaro | STASH MAGAZINE

"One-Eyed Willy" Escape Room Trailer by Edu Torres and Diego Cavallaro | STASH MAGAZINE

"One-Eyed Willy" Escape Room Trailer by Edu Torres and Diego Cavallaro | STASH MAGAZINE

Director: two&tall (Edu Torres, Diego Cavallaro)
3D Generalists: Edu Torres, Diego Cavallaro
Assistant FX Technical Director: Pol Soler
Assistant Asset Modeler: Rohit Ray

Soundtrack: Mauro Cavallaro, Edu Torres, Adrià Martínez, Ferran Casanova