Inspired by the mental health journey of his daughter Mia, London-based 3D motion director Robert Glassford (aka Mr Kaplin), animates a colorful and hope-filled answer to the question “What does it feel like to have ADHD?”
Robert Glassford: “Similar to many parents home schooling during the pandemic, I developed a real appreciation for what teachers do, managing these lovable little monsters of ours.
“After months of squabbling, shouting and driving each other up the wall, I came to the conclusion this was more than quarantine madness and I took Mia to see about getting a possible diagnosis for ADHD.
“As a part of our journey together to understand more about our Mental Health and how important it is too look after it, we decided to make this little film to help educate and maybe point a few others in the right direction.”
“During various interviews and tests, Mia was diagnosed and it occurred to me that I was also possibly sailing along in the same boat. Recently I was told I have an anxiety disorder as the result of undiagnosed ADHD. This explains a lot.
“As a part of our journey together to understand more about our mental health and how important it is too look after it, Mia and I decided to make this little film to help educate and maybe point a few others in the right direction.”
Production: Jelly London
Director/animator: Mr Kaplin
Grade: Quality Control TV
Senior Colorist: Alex Berry
Sound/Music Design: Box of Toys Audio
Narration: Mia Glassford