FuturePlay by FutureDeluxe

Founder/ECD Andrew Jones at FutureDeluxe in London describes FuturePlay, the studio’s new in-house exploratory project, as a “study of procedural systems designed to artistically reinterpret external spatial and visual inputs.

“We’re basically setting the rules but giving up a large chunk of the interpretation to the procedural system. Then we’re curating. A kind of human/computer collaboration.

“For input, we are currently using photography portraits but we’ll also be moving on to using live-action and integrating this with spatial AR and VR systems for further studies which are launching shortly.”
FuturePlay Expressive Computer Vision #2 by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

FuturePlay Expressive Computer Vision #2 by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

FuturePlay Expressive Computer Vision #2 by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

FuturePlay Expressive Computer Vision #2 by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

FuturePlay Expressive Computer Vision #2 by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

FuturePlay Expressive Computer Vision #2 by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

Designer/director/producer: FutureDeluxe
Founder/ECD: Andrew Jones
Audio: FutureDeluxe