Fern Dramatizes the Benefits of “Safety Mode” for Twitter

From the team at Fern in Atlanta: “Twitter’s Safety Mode helps fight online harassment, an issue that impacts a small but highly-visible group of people (including celebrities, athletes, female journalists, and marginalized communities) by giving them a tool to automatically block spammy, uninvited, harassing, or abusive replies.

“We dramatized what it may feel like when people’s Twitter replies and opinions create a dog-pile effect on a Tweeter’s comment by bringing to life our fictional main Tweeter’s experience after commenting about an imaginary sporting event.”
Twitter Safety Mode film by Fern | STASH MAGAZINE

Twitter Safety Mode film by Fern | STASH MAGAZINE

Twitter Safety Mode film by Fern | STASH MAGAZINE

Twitter Safety Mode film by Fern | STASH MAGAZINE

Twitter Safety Mode film by Fern | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Twitter

Production: Fern
Animation Director: James Mabery
Illustration Director: Alexandra Badiu
Executive Producer: Caroline Lobo
Senior Producer: Inés Michelena
Storyboard Artist: Basak Buse Ozer
Animation: James Mabery, Alvaro Parra, Quincy Baltes, Lykke Dalum, Dennis Wardzala, Jennifer Wright, Josh Trotter, Maria Migalko
Design/Illustration: Alexandra Francis, Alexandra Badiu

Music/Sound Design: Zing Audio