ESPN “Inside Kyrie’s Bag of Tricks” by Robertino Zambrano

Designer/director Robertino Zambrano, whose animated short film “Love in the Time of March Madness” was shortlisted for the 2016 Oscars, delivers beautiful character work for an online ESPN feature on Kyrie Irving.

If you’re a fan of Kyrie Irving, the Celtics, or just love mad basketball skills you’ll want to check the full feature article on

Client: ESPN

Production: KAPWA
Direction/design: KAPWA, Robertino Zambrano
Producer: Robertino Zambrano
Animation: Robertino Zambrano, Avery Sohee Park, Jin Hien Lau, Lester Chan, William Pietsch

Jambo Animation: Anastasia Nikolaeva

Music: Mattijs Muller