Andre de Almeida Can’t Get No “Catisfaction”

Director/animator Andre de Almeida in Lisbon, Portugal: “This is a story about a man and a cat. No sorry… A man, a cat, and a dream. Wait… probably a man, a cat, a dream, and a Vespa!

“It’s about relationships and how they can shape our life forever. But it’s also about a weird character and his cat who claims his way to eternity. Maybe it’s just a story about a man and a cat. But a good one.”

Read a full interview with Andre de Almeida on Short of the Week.

And here’s an early character experiment…

Andre de Almeida Catisfaction Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Andre de Almeida Catisfaction Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Andre de Almeida Catisfaction Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Andre de Almeida Catisfaction Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Andre de Almeida Catisfaction Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE
Director/animator: Andre de Almeida