Amazon Halo Case Study by Lobster Studio

Art director Fausto Montanari and the crew at Lobster Studio spent more than a year working with Amazon’s creative team to develop a vast array of upbeat illustration and animation assets for the company’s Halo activity tracker and app.

Fausto Montanari: “We took care of the creative and visuals that are integrated into the Halo app, with the goal of inserting a good dose of human feeling to it. We had the perfect chance to start our exploratory and development process literally from scratch.

“Exploring different options for the illustration structure, visual and creative approach we had to develop a language that would fit the purpose of the app, and bring the different sections and functions to life by creating scalable content.

“By defining the color scheme and general look we aimed to bring a more positive and joyful experience to the user and at the same time reflecting all the important points in a clever and engaging way.

“We focused on building an emotionally rich world of interactions, where we were not led by the technical side, but by the connection between the human using the Halo band and the characters that would be guiding him or her in the experience.”
Amazon Halo Case Study by Lobster Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Amazon Halo Case Study by Lobster Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Amazon Halo Case Study by Lobster Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Amazon Halo Case Study by Lobster Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Amazon Halo Case Study by Lobster Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Client: Amazon

Production: Lobster
Creative direction: Amazon, Lobster
Art Direction: Fausto Montanari
Animation: Nikolay Ivanov, Teodor Hristov
3D Animation: Lorenzo Ugo