WWF “You can’t Negotiate with Ice” by NOMINT (with BTS)

Using a combination of 3D printing, mold-making, and 1,000 liters of ice, NOMINT directors Yannis Konstantinidis and Marcos Savignanoto transform 500 polar bear ice sculptures into a powerful stop-motion story of the disappearing Arctic.

Yannis Konstantinidis: “[In production for a year], this was by far the most taxing project we have ever worked on, both emotionally and technically.

“Part of the appeal of the concept was that we were going to use the natural melting properties of ice to create a direct metaphor to the Arctic problem.

“We completely underestimated the fact that once ice starts melting you have no control over it, making it almost impossible to create a stop-motion film of this scale, which famously requires time between each shot.

“It was especially hard emotionally, as with every melted sculpture and ruined shot, we were being reminded of the devastating issue at hand and how easy it is to underestimate it.”

For another example of stop-motion ice animation, have a look at Soetkin Verstegen’s short film “Freeze Frame”.

Watch the stop-motion ice bear test:

Watch the full BTS video:

WWF You cant Negotiate with Ice NOMINT | STASH MAGAZINE

WWF You cant Negotiate with Ice NOMINT | STASH MAGAZINE

WWF You cant Negotiate with Ice NOMINT | STASH MAGAZINE

WWF You cant Negotiate with Ice NOMINT | STASH MAGAZINE

WWF You cant Negotiate with Ice NOMINT | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: WWF Arctic Programme

Production: NOMINT
Director: Yannis Konstantinidis, Marcos Savignano
Creative Director: Yannis Konstantinidis
3D Animator: Jua Braga, Marcos Savignano
Producer: Yannis Konstantinidis, Marilena Vatseri

Music/sound design: Ted Regklis