Sarofsky Fills “Buckets” for C4DLive at SIGGRAPH

Sarofsky creative lead Duarte Elvas: “We had the honor of being invited to participate in Maxon’s C4DLive event at SIGGRAPH 2019, showcasing how we used Cinema 4D and Arnold to create our latest animated short, Buckets.

“Inspired by a picture of a cross-section of a piñata created by Carmichael Collective, we imagined several experiments that the team brought to life. Using Cinema 4D’s dynamics system, hair tools, and the new Volume Builder, the team was able to bring the project from start to finish in 30 days.

“When making springs on points for soft bodies and rigid bodies, the artist has to place each spring one-by-one, which is a time-consuming process.

“Sarofsky’s artists built a custom script to help with the process, called Spring Break, which lets you make a selection of points and automatically creates a spring constraint on each point selected on your object. The code is open, so feel free to check out the source code, modify it, and build upon it.”

Download Spring Break here:

Production Company: Sarofsky
Executive Creative Director: Erin Sarofsky
Creative Lead: Duarte Elvas
Senior 3D Artist: Jake Allen
3D Artists: Tanner Wickware, Matt Miltonberger, Greg Smith, Ally Munro
Executive Producer: Steven Anderson
Senior Producer: Bryan Haney
Production Coordinator: Kelsey Hynes

Music and Sound Design: Groove Guild