Twistedpoly Explores the Complexities of a New Life in “Birth” Short Film

Inspired by the upcoming birth of his son, director/CG artist Nejc Polovsak (aka Twistedpoly) crafts an intricate, organic, and very personal film about the start of life which premiered at Burning Man 2023.

Nejc Polovsak: “Technically, creating this film was a challenge, as it involved simulating a lot of different elements including smoke, particles, ropes, soft bodies, cloth, hair, growing plants etc. So each shot needed careful crafting of those elements plus it all had to look consistent in behavior and feel like they belonged to the same world.

“From a creative perspective, I approached this in a fun and organic way, meaning there were no storyboards – only the first and last shots were developed up to a point where they felt like they had potential. From that point on, connecting the dots was part of a process which simply evolved from shot to shot.”

Watch the process reel:


Twistedpoly new short film Birth | STASH MAGAZINE

Twistedpoly new short film Birth | STASH MAGAZINE

Twistedpoly new short film Birth | STASH MAGAZINE

Twistedpoly new short film Birth | STASH MAGAZINE
Production: Twistedpoly
Director/animator: Twistedpoly

Music/sound design: Roger Lima