Trizz Studio Keeps it Sweet and Gooey for Ricola

Teaming with Toronto agency FUSE Create, the crew at Barcelona’s Trizz Studio whip up a swirling elixir of CG gooiness showcasing the ingredients (honey, caramel, and Swiss herbs) that go into Ricola Throat Balm lozenges.

Marcel Hita, CD at Trizz: “The main creative and technical challenge of the project was to create a highly dynamic motion piece with a visual language full of playfulness, while staying true to the ingredients and aiming for a photo-realistic and highly detailed final look.

“The combination of these two opposite worlds was the key to make this piece work, achieving a visually appealing result and a smooth animation narrative that guides you through a journey full of honey, caramel, and Swiss herbs to present the new Ricola Throat Balm.”
Ricola commercial by Trizz Studio FUSE Create | STASH MAGAZINE

Ricola commercial by Trizz Studio FUSE Create | STASH MAGAZINE

Ricola commercial by Trizz Studio FUSE Create | STASH MAGAZINE

Ricola commercial by Trizz Studio FUSE Create | STASH MAGAZINE

Ricola commercial by Trizz Studio FUSE Create | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Ricola
Senior Vice President Marketing & Innovation: Annette Young
Marketing Director: Becky Spruck
Brand Manager: Tara Bischoff

Agency: FUSE Create
ECD: Steve Miller
Copywriter: Mike Furlong
Art Director: Patrick Carter
Producer: Terra Stephen
Creative Strategy Director: Jacquie Kostuk
Creative Strategist: Emily Farrugia

Production: Trizz Studio
ECD: Oriol Puig
EP: Simon Bath
CD: Marcel Hita
Senior Producer: Hatty Christie
Art Direction/Research: Katerina Mileva, Nerea Hernandez
3D Artist: Marcel Hita, Nick Zieroff, Alex Levington, Lucas Giraldez, Gerard Foix, Dani Guixa, Agustin Chilling, Sebastian Gutnisky, VoidNLogic, Valentin Bertrand
2D Artist: Carlos Arandia, Mikel Gomez
Editor: Joan Solsona
Production Assistant: Kasia Foremski
Account Director: Albert Garcia
Head of Accounting: Ana Baeza

Music/sound design: Banjo Soundscapes