Trizz Peers Beyond the “Blurred Cliff” in Dream-like new Music Video for Ivan Llopis

We’ve come to expect passion projects from the crew at Trizz in Barcelona to be both ambitious and thoughtful (like their recent Earth Day film) and this new music video for composer/producer Ivan Llopis does not disappoint.

From the Trizz team: “We were invited by our longtime music collaborator, Ivan Llopis (founder of music studio Banjo Soundscapes), to craft a visual journey for his new personal release, Blurred Cliff.

“The track flows through a soft crescendo, inspiring us to create a visual narrative of continuous material transformation. With powerful moments that pierce through and reshape the landscape, the journey ultimately returns to the minimalist expression of the olive tree, symbolizing both the beginning and end.

“We hope you enjoy this stunning track along with our experimental visuals that complement its essence – this one comes from the heart.”
Ivan Llopis Blurred Cliff Music Video by Trizz Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Ivan Llopis Blurred Cliff Music Video by Trizz Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Ivan Llopis Blurred Cliff Music Video by Trizz Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Ivan Llopis Blurred Cliff Music Video by Trizz Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Ivan Llopis Blurred Cliff Music Video by Trizz Studio | STASH MAGAZINE
Artist: Ivan Llopis
Label: Banjo Soundscapes

Production: Trizz