In a riveting collaboration with Canadian choreographer Akira Uchida, director/animator Tom Furse (aka keyboardist for The Horrors), merges dance and machine learning for UK-based producer/DJ/vocalist HAAi.
Akira Uchida: “Collaborating on this project with visual artist and musician Tom Furse was stimulating and challenging in the best possible way. The footage was captured by my team in NYC on green screen and then Tom rendered the footage through AI animation processing — a technology he’s been pioneering.
“The result is a transcendence of the limitations of the human form as the dancers become experimental figures seamlessly morphing with other life forms such as flowers, birds, and trees.”
Label: Mute Records
Artist: HAAi
Director: Tom Furse, Akira Uchida
Choreographer: Akira Uchida
Animator: Tom Furse
Executive Producer: Box Artist Management / Ben Totty
Assistant Producer: Julia Norman
DOP: Ethan Stupp
Dancers: Taylor Graham, Lucy Vallely, Chantelle Good