Brikk Animation Komatsu Demining Cambodia | STASH MAGAZINE

Brikk Animation Keeps Emotion Center Stage for Komatsu

Drawing inspiration from the style of Studio Ghibli, Brikk Animation leverages the full range of human emotions to highlight the landmine clearance work done by Japanese manufacturing and tech giant Komatsu in Cambodia. [Watch]

Pokemon x OREO Limited Edition Cookies by Framestore | STASH MAGAZINE

Pokémon x OREO Limited Edition Cookies by Framestore

Nintendo’s Pikachu comes to life via limited-edition Pokémon Oreos disguised as retro Gameboy pixels in this quasi-meta crossover spot from the Framestore crew celebrating Pokémon’s 25th Anniversary. [Watch]

Breast Cancer Now Check them by Anna Ginsberg | STASH MAGAZINE

Breast Cancer Now “Love Hate Relationship” by Anna Ginsburg

Strange Beast director Anna Ginsburg conveys the vast array of emotions women experience in relation to their breasts and how they’re perceived by themselves and others for UK charity Breast Cancer Now thru agency Weber Shandwick. [Watch]