Simon Pyke Spatial, Ornamental, Tribal, Colossal by Universal Everything | STASH MAGAZINE

Simon Pyke “Spatial, Ornamental, Tribal, Colossal” by Universal Everything

Four new compilations of work from UK composer Simon Pyke receive the always-intriguing Universal Everything mocap CG treatment in this promo film designed and directed by longtime collaborator (and sibling) Matt Pyke. [Watch]

universal everything_smart_matter | STASH MAGAZINE

Hype Cycle: “Smart Matter” by Universal Everything

“Smart Matter,” the first in the Hype Cycle series of futurist films coming from UK digital art and design studio Universal Everything, explores “human-machine collaboration through performance and emerging technologies.” [Watch]

Matt Pyke_Sydney Opera House

Behind the Scenes: Sydney Opera House “Lighting the Sails”

Matt Pyke and the Universal Everything crew gather 20 animation studios from around the planet to collaborate on 31 spirited living murals commissioned by, and projected onto, Jørn Utzon’s Sydney Opera House for the VIVID 2015 festival. [Watch]