American Horror Story: Apocalypse Teaser FX Networks | STASH MAGAZINE

American Horror Story: Apocalypse Teaser

The FX Design team pull together a hardcore 3D crew composed of Tendril, Trizz, Korb, and Method Studios to create the teaser for the eighth season of the FX horror anthology television series American Horror Story. [Watch]


Final Frontier Launches in China with Roster of International Animation Studios and Directors

Final Frontier officially launched on May 11th, becoming the first international production company on the ground in China representing a roster of animation talent. [Watch]

Tendril Autostore brand film 2018 | STASH MAGAZINE

Tendril and Worship: Warehouses of the Future (and Making-of)

Toronto motion houses Tendril and Worship whisk you into the future of robotic warehouse automation with this intense, scifi-flavored brand film for Norwegian tech company AutoStore.

Sarah Arruda Matt Jakob | STASH MAGAZINE

Tendril Bolsters Interactive with Addition of EP Sarah Arruda and CD Matt Jakob

Tendril Bolsters Interactive with Addition of EP Sarah Arruda and CD Matt Jakob [Watch]


Tendril for Canada’s Together Project

Written and directed by Julia Deakin and with creative consultation by our good friend Kurt Mills (of Goodby), this film perfectly encapsulates the objectives of Together Project [Watch]