Stash 130 trailer | STASH MAGAZINE
TED x Sydney HumanKind 2018 Substance Scott Geersen | STASH MAGAZINE

TEDx Sydney 2018 Opening Titles by Scott Geersen

In 2017 director Scott Geersen leapt onto the Stash radar with his remarkable CG titles for TEDx Sydney. His follow up work for this year’s conference guides us through the TEDx Museum “where our present and potential future collide with the past.” [Watch]

Best of Stash event Titles | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2017: Event Title Design

On the rise in both scope and prestige for the last five years, event titles blossomed as a dominant expressive outlet in 2017 providing the catalyst for passionate new levels of fun and experimentation. [Watch]


TEDx Sydney: “Unconventional” Opening Titles

Australian director Scott Geersen and his 3D studio Substance nudge the bar to a welcome new level for realistically flawed CG surfaces in this striking open for TEDx Sydney. [Watch]