Drawing inspiration from editorial illustrations, Boston-based director/animator Rohan McDonald develops a minimal yet warm and engaging collage treatment for the animated segments of the documentary Admissions Granted. [Watch]
Director Elyse Kelly, who’s Fired Up short film still resonates five years on, marks the launch of her studio by gathering 20 animators for a collaborative love letter to the diversity of America called “The Greatest Poem”. [Watch]
Category Animation, Character Animation, Featured, Illustration, Short Films · Tags Ana Mouyis, Angela Hsieh, Catalina Matamoros, Cathead Noise, Cynthia Chu, Dena Springer, Dorca Musseb, Elyse Kelly, Eric Larson, Lunar Year, Matea Losenegger, Megan Jedrysiak, Mithra Krishna, n Jackson Ammenheuser, Nazli Cem, Neon Zoo, Nijah Brown, Rohan McDonald, Sara Spink, Selina Donahue, Sofia Diaz, Yoon Su Lee, Zoë Soriano