Vue Get Lost commercial | STASH MAGAZINE

Jake Scott and Electric Theatre Collective “Get Lost” in Vue

Multinational UK-based cinema chain Vue makes a case for the healthy escape from connected entertainment in this spot from RSA Films’ Jake Scott with a full order of supporting VFX from the crew at London’s Electric Theatre Collective. [Watch]


Best of Stash 2019: Brand Films

Longer-form marketing films unhampered by the limits of broadcast TV allow for deeper narratives which in turn often inspire forceful and innovative visuals. Here are eight brand films from 2019 we believe live up to that promise. [Watch]

Hennessy X.O - The Seven Worlds Ridley Scott | STASH MAGAZINE

Behind the Scenes on Hennessy “The Seven Worlds”

Ridley Scott talks about his return to advertising after a 15-year hiatus to direct Hennessy’s four-minute brand film “The Seven Worlds,” produced thru agency DDB Paris with MPC handling the extensive VFX. [Watch]

Ridley Scott Creative Group Logo | STASH MAGAZINE

Ridley Scott Launches Ridley Scott Creative Group

From the release: June 12th 2018, Los Angeles, London – Ridley Scott has brought together all RSA Films affiliated companies in a multi-business restructure to form the Ridley Scott Creative Group. The Ridley Scott Creative Group strengthens the network across the affiliated companies to take advantage of emerging opportunities across all entertainment genres as well […] [Watch]

Ridley Scott Martian | Stash Magazine

Chris Eyerman and Ash Thorp Prologue “The Martian”

The third in a series of brilliant prologue-promos for Ridley Scott’s “The Martian,” finds Neil deGrasse Tyson hosting a segment of his StarTalk series as it might appear in 2035 with humans poised to return to Mars – with VFX work from up and coming Polish post house Juice, MPC, The Mill and Framestore. [Watch]