Adobe "Where I’m From" by 72andSunny and Psyop | STASH MAGAZINE

Adobe “Where I’m From” by 72andSunny and Psyop

From Adobe: “See the stories of eight boundary-defying Asian and Pacific Islander artists who flip the script on the all-too-common question, ‘where are you from?’ to lay claim to the myriad identities that inspire their work. [Watch]

Nike "Naomi Osaka´s Multiverse" by Rudo and Psyop | STASH MAGAZINE

Nike “Naomi Osaka’s Multiverse” by Rudo and Psyop

From the team at Rudo in Buenos Aires: “When Nike proposed us to work on this piece with three artists, we loved the idea – we were very lucky to work with Camille Brountin, Jesica Bianchi, and Soojin Chae. [Watch]

Standard Chartered "Here for Good" Brand Film by Igor + Valentine | STASH MAGAZINE

Standard Chartered “Here for Good” Brand Film by Igor + Valentine

Directors David Stanfield and Matt Smithson at Igor + Valentine: “Stripping away that which is not needed is often a deceptively difficult creative task. That’s exactly what was called for on this project for Standard Chartered Bank.” [Watch]

Taco Bell "Fry Force - Nacho Fries" Spot by Luca Vitale and Psyop | STASH MAGAZINE

Taco Bell “Fry Force – Nacho Fries” Spot by Luca Vitale and Kylie Matulick

The latest in Deutsch LA’s series of spots for Taco Bell’s Nacho Fries wrangles classic anime action and dialogue into a beat-perfect parody courtesy of Psyop directors Luca Vitale, Kylie Matulick, and Japanese studios Yapiko and Echelle Animation. [Watch]

Stash 148 Drops over Two Solid Hours of Inspiration | STASH MAGAZINE
Victor Haegelin and Psyop Unleash "Hayward Magic" | STASH MAGAZINE

Victor Haegelin, Psyop, and WIZZ Unleash “Hayward Magic”

Stop-motion maestro Victor Haegelin, who nailed the fun in this mid-lockdown spot for Expedia, returns with an ambitious looping ode to track and field athletes and the storied Hayward Field at the University of Oregon.