“Pass the Ball” Animation Collaboration by Nathan Boey and Friends
Forty months ago Canadian director/animator Nathan Boey initiated an epic exquisite corpse-like project involving 40 animators (including himself) and three simple rules. [Watch]
Forty months ago Canadian director/animator Nathan Boey initiated an epic exquisite corpse-like project involving 40 animators (including himself) and three simple rules. [Watch]
From the release: BOL is a full-service animation and illustration production house made up of a hand-picked roster of international directors and illustrators. [Watch]
Spanish freelance director Antoni Sendra (aka PODENCO) fires up his signature mixed media skills in this type-driven collage for the title track from Green’s Day upcoming “Revolution Radio,” inspired by the handmade photocopy aesthetics of 1980’s hardcore/punk fanzines. [Watch]