ReMarkable Get Your Brain Back Nexus Mighty Nice | STASH MAGAZINE

Mighty Nice and Nexus Help “Get Your Brain Back”

Standout new brand film from Mighty Nice directors Darren Price and Simon Robson to launch the reMarkable tablet, a device that offers a paper-like experience for reading, writing and sketching. [Watch]

Nexus Studios Now Repped in France by WIZZ

WIZZ are delighted to announce that Nexus Studios are joining our roster for exclusive representation in France. [Watch]

Stash 130 trailer | STASH MAGAZINE
Nexus Wimbledon 150 years Smith & Foulkes animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Smith and Foulkes “Take On History” for Wimbledon

Tour through 150 years of Wimbledon tennis, from 19th century farmer’s field to modern sport spectacle, with Nexus directors Alan Smith and Adam Foulkes swapping seamlessly between animation styles along the way. [Watch]

Nexus FX Goby Google I/O Make Good Things Together animated film | STASH MAGAZINE

Google I/O “Make Good Things Together” by Fx Goby

The 2018 Google I/O conference keynote opened with this immense yet lovable animated film that Nexus director Fx Goby describes as “a story about the power of a community working together to make good things.” [Watch]