TEDxSydney 2020 Title Sequence | STASH MAGAZINE

TEDxSydney 2020 Title Sequence

After several years of crafting stellar openings for the TEDxSydney conference, director Scott Geersen and his Substance studio opened up the 2020 assignment to an international team of motion design collaborators. [Watch]

Stash issue 142 Preview | STASH MAGAZINE
Nerdo joins Final Frontier Roster | STASH MAGAZINE

Nerdo joins Final Frontier Roster

From the release: Final Frontier this week announced the signing of Turin-based studio, Nerdo, to its global roster. [Watch]

Olympia short film by Nerdo | STASH MAGAZINE

Nerdo Pays Tribute to Failure and Perfection in “Olympia” Short Film

From Nerdo studio in Turin, Italy: “Achieving perfection requires discipline, strength, focus, and persistence. This is why every sport is a challenge, both physical and mental, with ourselves. [Watch]

Nerdo Signs with Partizan Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Nerdo Signs with Partizan Studio

From the release: We are excited to announce Nerdo have chosen Partizan Studio as their new creative home. Nerdo is a creative studio specializing in original content and advertising through different media. [Watch]

A Tasty Xmas short animated film by Nerdo | STASH MAGAZINE

“A Tasty Xmas” Short Film by Nerdo

A Tasty Xmas short animated film by Nerdo [Watch]