Best of Stash 2024: Characters!
The broad range of styles and production techniques seen in these seven films speaks to just how energized and extraordinary 2024 was for character design and animation across the motion industry. [Watch]
The broad range of styles and production techniques seen in these seven films speaks to just how energized and extraordinary 2024 was for character design and animation across the motion industry. [Watch]
The Stash Permanent Collection, aka the planet’s only streaming platform dedicated to motion design, animation, and VFX, just added another massive chapter of inspiration and behind-the-scenes features with issue 165. [Watch]
Somewhere in the future, when the world has come to its senses and finally establishes the Car Insurance Advertising Hall of Fame (CIAHoF), this spot from Division directing duo Mrzyk & Moriceau will be inducted for sheer audacity. [Watch]
No one does a trippy carnal rampage quite like Division directors Mrzyk & Moriceau. You may remember their insane 2017 MTV spot starring Dick the Dog, and if not, this romp for a Sydney fertility clinic will certainly get you up to speed. [Watch]
French directors Mrzyk & Moriceau serve up solid advice for Dick the Dog on Valentines Day for the MTV Staying Alive Foundation with animation by Mathematic and music from Woody Guthrie thru Ogilvy & Mather Hong Kong. [Watch]
Discovering new animation work from French directing duo Mrzyk & Moriceau is always a treat as it guarantees trippy, often outrageous imagery held together by a certain subversive sense of abandon. [Watch]