Maxim Goudin’s Ghost Writer Sequence #1

Mill+ artist Maxim Goudin packs plenty of style and intrigue into “Ghost Writer Sequence #1,” a personal project he describes as a “proof of concept of some sort. Hopefully a teaser to something more interesting.” [Watch]

Beyond the Mountains of Madness | STASH MAGAZINE

Maxim Goudin “At the Mountains of Madness”

Amsterdam art director Maxim Goudin takes us into a fog-bound and unforgiving future metropolis of impenetrable structures and cryptic lighting in his CG short “At the Mountains of Madness” set to the haunting music of Kiev’s Monocube. [Watch]


Onur Senturk’s Main Titles for OFFF Milano 2017

Director/art director/animator Onur Senturk: “The Main Titles for OFFF Milano & Digital Design Days 2017 is an art deco-inspired science fiction piece and features the perfect machines, mechanisms with imperfect humans and creatures. [Watch]