Polyester Studio character manifesto reel | STASH MAGAZINE

Polyester Promos the Power of Characters in New Manifesto

The crew of steadfast character evangelists at Polyester Studio in Toronto just released their latest manifesto, a showcase for their recent work hosted by three fuzzy friends and designed to make the work stand out in a sea of reels. [Watch]

Polyester Studio Breathing Series | STASH MAGAZINE

Polyester Studio Wants You to Stay Calm and Animate On

Jeremy Dimmock, co-founder at Polyester Studio in Toronto: “In these times of stress and uncertainty, animators often feel a lack of control that causes us to be unaware we are breathing more rapidly and elevating our cortisol levels.” [Watch]


Best of Stash 2022: Short Films!

Untethered from client briefs and budgets, short films provide a welcome refuge for self-expression and bold experimentation with 2022 delivering an extraordinary variety of fresh work from both students and pros. [Watch]

Polyester Character Manifesto reel | STASH MAGAZINE

Polyester Leads with Character in New Manifesto

Jeremy Dimmock, CD/partner at Polyester in Toronto: “We wanted to create a story that communicates why characters are important. Something aspirational, optimistic, an anthem or manifesto for characters. [Watch]

Polyester Toon Blast Animated Trailer | STASH MAGAZINE

Polyester Tunes Up Toon Blast with New Animated Trailer

Jeremy Dimmock, CD/partner at Polyester in Toronto: “We were commissioned by the lovely people at Toon Blast to make a trailer for their video game – an action-packed Mad Max meets Dune animation featuring the game’s hero characters, props, and icons, in an unexpected and thrilling spot with a cliff hanger ending.” [Watch]

Polyester Studio Ford Smoothie | STASH MAGAZINE

Polyester Studio Serves Up Ford Smoothies

From the team at Polyester Studio in Toronto: “Animating Ford’s commitment to sustainability by showing how the natural materials that go into Ford vehicles can be turned into a smoothie.” [Watch]