Australian Animation and VFX Studio Heckler Expands into Singapore

Australian design, animation, and visual effects house Heckler has made its first international expansion, opening a studio in Singapore to service existing and prospective clients in south-east Asia. [Watch]

Heckler Appoints Luca Ionescu as Executive Creative Director

Heckler has appointed Luca Ionescu as executive creative director to further drive creative excellence at the design, animation and visual effects house. [Watch]

Heckler Australian Cancer Research Foundation animated TV spot | STASH MAGAZINE

Outsmarting Cancer with Style and Flow

Sydney creative force Heckler combine sleek micro-CG and the unexpected flow of spoken word performance for a unique take on an old battle for the Australian Cancer Research Foundation. [Watch]

Kyra Bartley Love is Love | STASH MAGAZINE

“Love is Love” and Knows No Bounds

Australian director Kyra Bartley and Heckler head of production Aborah Buick mark Valentines Day 2017 by gathering 111 artists, illustrators, and animators to push back against the “narrow depiction of hetero-normative love” found in modern media.

Joy Chartered Accountants| STASH MAGAZINE

Simon Robson Adds Icing to the Zoetrope Cake

Just when we zoetrope fans were despairing as to when the next hypnotic spinning confection would land, Sixty40 director Simon Robson sends us this feel-good, CG-disguised-as-cake spot (with 3D by Heckler), part of a three-spot campaign produced thru Sydney agency JOY. [Watch]