Best-of-Stash-2024-VFX | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2024: VFX!

The suspension of disbelief (also known as poetic faith) provides a welcome escape for today’s stressed audiences and these VFX-heavy motion projects deliver that relief in ambitious quantities. [Watch]

Coca Cola x Marvel The Heroes Electric Theatre Collective | STASH MAGAZINE

Antoine Bardou-Jacquet and Electric Theatre Collective Save the Day for Coca-Cola x Marvel

London VFX masters Electric Theatre Collective and Partizan director Antoine Bardou-Jacquet (whose ample talent for CG-enhanced live-action can be seen in this classic) combine forces for a fun trip thru the Marvel Universe with Coca-Cola. [Watch]

Vellas and Nash Deliver “Greatness” for Mercado Livre

The production team behind the massive Renault Dungeons & Dragons spot (director Vellas, prodco Saigon, and VFX studio Nash) re-groups for another action-adventure – this time thru Gut for Latin America e-commerce giant Mercado Livre. [Watch]