Guinness Dancing Can spot by Nexus and Johnny Kelly | STASH MAGAZINE

Johnny Kelly Gives the “Dancing Can” a Twirl for Guinness

Playing off Guinness’ infectious “Dancing Man” ad (an audience and industry fave from 1994), Nexus director Johnny Kelly and Yamination Studios mix live-action and stop-motion to channel the feel-good vibes of the original. [Watch]

Shane Griffin Guinness Storehouse Motion Art Installation | STASH MAGAZINE

Shane Griffin Brews Up Motion Art Installation for Guinness

Beer fans who flock to the 120-year-old Guinness Storehouse building in Dublin are now treated to a thoroughly modern art installation courtesy of director/CG artist Shane Griffin and local prodcos Archetype and Algorithm. [Watch]

Guinness Goodness Optical Arts Fabrice Le Nezet | STASH MAGAZINE

Guinness Gets Back to the Land with “Goodness”

Director Fabrice Le Nezet and the CG team at Optical Arts in London dig into the task of showcasing the importance of bio-diverse and sustainable soil in the making of Guinness. [Watch]

Kibwe Tavares Guinness Africa Special | STASH MAGAZINE

Kibwe Tavares Launches Guinness Africa Special

Nexus director (and architecture graduate) Kibwe Tavares captures a tour de force of intense dance moves and singular characters to launch Guinness’s new Africa Special beer – thru AMV BBDO with post/VFX courtesy of The Mill and Factory Fifteen. [Watch]