New short films from director Eoin Duffy are always a treat and his latest, the emotionally complex adventure Regular Rabbit, finds his signature mix of minimalist characters and surreal narrative posing the big question, “What is truth?” [Watch]
Category Animation, Character Animation, Featured, Short Films · Tags Eoin Duffy, Gavin Little, Henrique Barone, Leo Pearson, Rory McCann, RTE, Screen Ireland, Studio Belly
Looking to go push past the cliches and tropes of eco-messaging, director/animator Simon Robson and composer/sound designer Gavin Little reimagine the pending emergency of plastic pollution in this ominous short film. [Watch]
Rimantas Lukavicius at KORB and Gavin Little at Echolab: “This project was born a few years back but was never fully released until now. We experimented with inorganic matter found deep in the Colombian Andes at OCETA. [Watch]