FutureDeluxe Color on Color short film | STASH MAGAZINE

FutureDeluxe “Colour on Colour” Experiment

Part of an ongoing R&D project at the London studios of 3D boundary-pushers FutureDeluxe, “Colour on Colour” uses live action footage to drive intricate and beautiful procedural CG particle animations. [Watch]

FutureDeluxe Nike Magista | STYLE FRAMES

Data meets Design: FutureDeluxe Pitches for Nike Magista 2

Confessed football and sneaker zealots, London studio FutureDeluxe admit they pour too much time and love into jobs like this spot for Nike’s Magista 2 boot. Revealed here for the first time are some of the striking style frames from the pitch that landed the gig. [Watch]

Julian Frost Bananas | STASH MAGAZINE

Julian Frost “Bananas” Short Film

Melbourne director/illustrator/game-maker Julian Frost (aka the “Dumb Ways to Die” guy), just released this nutritious 2D animated confection called “Bananas” which we think pairs rather nicely with this 3D confection called “Bananas” by Xander Marritt and Elias Freiberger at FutureDeluxe. [Watch]

Bananas Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

The Secret Life of “Bananas”

Mixing the silly with the sublime, London director/designers Xander Marritt and Elias Freiberger team with FutureDeluxe to concoct a striking CG short about “the conscious and subconscious. Reality and surreality. A reflection of life, a personification of the immediacy in the way we conduct ourselves.” [Watch]