Stay home, stay inspired! Take a peek at this two-minute preview of STASH 140 which adds another 31 motion projects (plus behind the scenes features and exclusive interviews) to over 5,500 titles included in The Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, Animation, Brand film, Branded Content, Broadcast Design, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Explainer, Featured, Illustration, Motion Design, Music Video, Processing, Short Films, Stop Motion, Student Work, Titles, VFX · Tags Aardman, Charline Parisot, CLAN Team, Drasik Studio, Elastic, Electric Theatre Collective, Fabian&Fred, Fioretta Caterina Cosmidis, Flore Allier-Estrada, Found Studio, Gentleman Scholar, Gimmick Studio, Hornet, Imaginary Forces, InferStudio, Jérémy Cissé, Little Minx, Maud Lemaître-Blanchart, MIXCODE, MPC, Noam Sussman, Oddfellows, Oh Yeah Wow, Passion Animation, SIMON & PAUL, Swiss, TAIKO Studios, The Acid House, The Mill, Thiago Miranda, Wicked Pixels, XK Studio
on February 25, 2020
The all-London team of agency Superunion and motion studio Found combine dance, pyrotechnics, and motion capture into a spectacular campaign for the London Symphony Orchestra’s 2020/21 season. [Watch]
on January 13, 2020
Ryan Locke, senior motion designer/AD at Found Studio in London: “Launching [European broadcaster] Viasat World’s latest creative campaign, ‘Uncovering History’, sees the channel’s iconic H mark revealed in relation to six pillars of the channel’s programming: World War II, the French revolution, lost civilizations, Russian space exploration, and the industrial revolution. [Watch]
on December 26, 2019
Longer-form marketing films unhampered by the limits of broadcast TV allow for deeper narratives which in turn often inspire forceful and innovative visuals. Here are eight brand films from 2019 we believe live up to that promise. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, Animation, Brand film, Branded Content, CG, Character Animation, Featured · Tags Allen Laseter, Ballantine's, Bipolar Studio, Chobani, Fender, Found Studio, Guilherme Marcondes, GUNEE, Hennessy, Lagunitas, Lobo, MPC, Nexus, Ridley Scott, Smith & Foulkes, Thomas Gugel, Travelers, Uber
on September 24, 2019
Here’s your inspiration break for the day: a two-minute preview of STASH 137 – the latest compilation of 31 energizing motion design, animation, and VFX projects inducted into the Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, Animation, Brand film, Branded Content, Broadcast Design, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Explainer, Featured, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Student Work, Titles, Typography, VFX · Tags Alice Jaunet, Beatrice Viguier, Bipolar Studio, Bugbrain, Chan Stéphie Peang, Chuck Eklectric, Cristóbal Vila, Elastic, Electric Theatre Collective, Fanelie Muselier, Florian Renner, foam studio, Found Studio, Framestore, James Brocklebank, Jonathan Lindgren, Laura Jayne Hodkin, Lobo, Marie Ciesielski, Melanie Lopez, Michele Durazzi, MPC, Ordinary Folk, Post Office Studios, Scrambled Studio, Simon Boucly, Substance, Team Tumult, The Mill, Toby Auberg, Too Much Fun, Vetor Zero, WeCanMake, YK Animation Studio, Yves Paradis
Originally intended as a live-action project, Found Studio in London suggested the ambitious scale of this film for Scottish whiskey maker Ballantine’s would be better served with a full-CG treatment. [Watch]