Stash issue 140 Preview | STASH MAGAZINE
London Symphony Orchestra_Found_Studio_Superunion_Dancing on the Edge of a Volcano | STASH MAGAZINE

LSO “Dancing on the Edge of a Volcano”

The all-London team of agency Superunion and motion studio Found combine dance, pyrotechnics, and motion capture into a spectacular campaign for the London Symphony Orchestra’s 2020/21 season. [Watch]

Viasat World broadcast design | STASH MAGAZINE

Found Studio Uncovers History for Viasat

Ryan Locke, senior motion designer/AD at Found Studio in London: “Launching [European broadcaster] Viasat World’s latest creative campaign, ‘Uncovering History’, sees the channel’s iconic H mark revealed in relation to six pillars of the channel’s programming: World War II, the French revolution, lost civilizations, Russian space exploration, and the industrial revolution. [Watch]


Best of Stash 2019: Brand Films

Longer-form marketing films unhampered by the limits of broadcast TV allow for deeper narratives which in turn often inspire forceful and innovative visuals. Here are eight brand films from 2019 we believe live up to that promise. [Watch]

Stash 137 inspiration and insight | STASH MAGAZINE
Ballantine’s Too Good To Hide by Found Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Ballantine’s “Too Good To Hide” by Found Studio

Originally intended as a live-action project, Found Studio in London suggested the ambitious scale of this film for Scottish whiskey maker Ballantine’s would be better served with a full-CG treatment. [Watch]