Doodles short film Dullsville and the Doodleverse by Golden Wolf | STASH MAGAZINE

Golden Wolf Gets Lost in “Dullsville and the Doodleverse”

Golden Wolf stretches their creative and production skills into a full 16-minutes of fantasy adventure in this Doodles short film featuring animation by Mexican studio Mighty and three songs by Pharrell Williams. [Watch]

Doodles 2 Launch Film Golden Wolf | STASH MAGAZINE

New Golden Wolf Film Launches the Stoodio For Doodles 2

From the team at Golden Wolf: “We had the pleasure of working with our fam at Doodles on this dynamic teaser trailer. Featuring chief brand officer Pharrell Williams, the film launches the latest phase of the Doodles story: The Stoodio, the new home for the Doodles experience where anyone can build the Doodle of their dreams.” [Watch]

Golden-Wolf-Acquired-by-Doodles | STASH MAGAZINE

Golden Wolf Acquired by Doodles, Joins Active Ingredient Joint Venture with Psyop

From the release: Doodles, a leading Web3, media, and entertainment brand, today announced that it has agreed on terms to acquire award-winning animation studio, Golden Wolf. [Watch]

Best of Stash 2022 Character Animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2022: Character Animation!

Comic, tragic, or satirical, characters who trigger a meaningful emotional response will always provide the single most reliable way to ensure your narrative, commissioned or personal, resonates with an audience. [Watch]

Goldenwolf Doodles 2 NFT Trailer | STASH MAGAZINE

Doodles 2 NFT.NYC 2022 Launch Film by Golden Wolf

Community-driven NFT project Doodles announced their new collection during the NFT.NYC 2022 event with this insanely upbeat film by the design and animation team at Golden Wolf. [Watch]