Warframe 1999 Animated Prologue by The Line | STASH MAGAZINE

The Line Reveals Animated Prologue for Warframe: 1999

Veteran lead animator Venla Linna steps into the director’s chair at London 2D studio The Line for this emotionally charged prologue for Warframe: 1999, the action multiplayer online game from Digital Extremes. [Watch]

Warframe Ascension Day Game Trailer David Pagaille Passion Paris | STASH MAGAZINE

Warframe “Ascension Day” Game Trailer by David Pagaille and Passion Paris

Director David Pagaille and the 2D animation team at Passion Paris spent a full year crafting this energized 5 1/2-minute trailer/short film for the launch of the latest edition of Warframe, Digital Extremes’ free-to-play sci-fi game. [Watch]