Stash 148 Drops over Two Solid Hours of Inspiration | STASH MAGAZINE
Porsche Taycan "Electricity" by Bipolar Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Porsche Taycan “Electricity” by Bipolar Studio

Bipolar Studio, the LA team who first caught our eye with a serene glimpse at the airborne future of Uber, cranks up the voltage in this new work to reveal the future of Porsche – the all-electric Taycan. [Watch]

Hill's "Love Stories" By Colin Levy and Bipolar Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Hill’s “Love Stories” By Colin Levy and Bipolar Studio

Director Colin Levy, who amassed credits on seven projects during his tenure at Pixar, leads the animation crew at LA’s Bipolar studio on this pair of feel-good films for pet food brand Hill’s thru Red Fuse and VMLY&R. [Watch]


Best of Stash 2019: Brand Films

Longer-form marketing films unhampered by the limits of broadcast TV allow for deeper narratives which in turn often inspire forceful and innovative visuals. Here are eight brand films from 2019 we believe live up to that promise. [Watch]

Stash 137 inspiration and insight | STASH MAGAZINE
Uber "Airborne" brand film by Bipolar | STASH MAGAZINE

Your Uber “Airborne” is on the Way

One of the most elegant and ambitious CG product films you’ll see this year, “Airbourne” is the centerpiece in an integrated campaign for Uber Air (the company’s proposed aerial ride-sharing service) from Bipolar Studio in Los Angeles. [Watch]