“DECIMA” OFFF2022 Title Sequence by GMUNK, Psyop, and Friends

In what he calls “one of my most ambitious projects to date”, director and modern renaissance man GMUNK (aka Bradley G Munkowitz) crafts an epic short film called DECIMA, “exploring themes of mortality, empowerment, soul passage, and illumination.” [Watch]


OFFF 2022 “DECIMA” Trailer by GMUNK

GMUNK: “DECIMA is a short film exploring themes of transmigration, empowerment, soul passage, and illumination. Produced for the legendary design conference OFFF Barcelona, which granted GMUNK the opportunity to craft their 20th Anniversary Title sequence with the highest honor.” [Watch]

A Report Of Connected Events PostPanic Mischa Rozema | STASH MAGAZINE

“A Report of Connected Events” by Mischa Rozema

Directed by PostPanic CD/founder Mischa Rozema, A Report of Connected Events explores “iconic moments in film and television history, blurring the lines between our reality and some of our favorite stories.” [Watch]

Ash Thorp Edifice behind the scenes | STASH MAGAZINE

Behind the Scenes with Ash Thorp on “Edifice”

Ash Thorp: “I often get asked about the production details, meanings, and philosophies behind my work. Therefore, I dedicate this to my kindred scholars who enjoy the craft of filmmaking and seek to understand the why of it all. [Watch]

PostPanic Rozema Sundays | STASH MAGAZINE

Let Mischa Rozema Transport You to “SUNDAYS”

Back in June 2014 Stash featured the trailer for Mischa Rozema‘s ambitious science-fiction project called “SUNDAYS,” which went on to raise $50K on Kickstarter. The cash was used to create this stunning 15-minute proof of concept short designed to grab the attention of Hollywood and financing for the full feature-length production. [Watch]