Adobe Shasta Intro Film by Very True Story | STASH MAGAZINE

Adobe Shasta Intro Film by Very True Story

From the team at Very True Story in Oakland, CA: “One of the most fun parts of our job is getting a sneak peek at new tech that is being created and Project Shasta is one that we literally exclaimed “that is so cool!” during the initial briefing. [Watch]

Adobe The World Is Your Canvas Director Cut Dvein | STASH MAGAZINE

Adobe “The World Is Your Canvas” Director’s Cut by Dvein

From directing duo Dvein in Barcelona: “For this fun collage-film for Adobe Photoshop we teamed up with Mathematic and 72andsunny and many other talents including Virginie Kypriotis, Ombrebueno, Mariah Midas, Chibuyum, Madkobra, Ferry Gouw, Kervin Brisseaux, Kate Moross, and Natasha Cunningham.” [Watch]

Best-of-Stash-2021-Explainers | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2021: Explainers

Magically transforming a dry (often arcane, and potentially dull) topic into an intriguing and engaging piece of visual content requires a special type of motion design alchemy known as the explainer video. [Watch]

Adobe "Creativity Explained: What is Layout?" by Oddfellows | STASH MAGAZINE

Adobe “Creativity Explained: What is Layout?” by Oddfellows

From the Oddfellows team in Portland, OR: “Creative director and magazine veteran Nathalie Kirsheh shares wisdom on the ins and outs of layout. [Watch]

Adobe "Where I’m From" by 72andSunny and Psyop | STASH MAGAZINE

Adobe “Where I’m From” by 72andSunny and Psyop

From Adobe: “See the stories of eight boundary-defying Asian and Pacific Islander artists who flip the script on the all-too-common question, ‘where are you from?’ to lay claim to the myriad identities that inspire their work. [Watch]

Creativity Explained "On Color with Eddie Opara" by Oddfellows | STASH MAGAZINE

Creativity Explained “On Color with Eddie Opara” by Oddfellows

Oddfellows ECD Chris Kelly in Portland, OR: “Multifaceted design-mind and Pentagram partner, Eddie Opara sheds light on color and helps demystify the rainbow.” [Watch]