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Sad Night Dynamite Wake Up Pass Out Music Video Behind the scenes | STASH MAGAZINE

Behind the Music Video Madness of Sad Night Dynamite’s “Wake Up Pass Out”

Balázs Simon’s new video for British duo Sad Night Dynamite (co-directed with Cátia Abreu) is a darkly comic conflagulation of prosthetics and nightmarish digital VFX but the good news is he just dropped Stash fans a peek into the process. [Watch]

May The Gods of Plant-Based Cheese Smile Upon You

Blinkink director Zach Tavel builds a mythological world from miniatures and models to house the godly comedic talents of Kate Berlant in this aggressively oddball launch film for California plant-based cheese brand Plonts. [Watch]

Platige Image Sculpts Drama for Esports World Cup

The CG sub-genre of dramatic sculptural character diorama’s sees an ambitious new chapter with this launch trailer from director Jakub Jabłoński and the crew at Platige Image for the Esports World Cup (EWC) in Riyadh. [Watch]

CBC Sports Paris 2024 Olympics animated films | STASH MAGAZINE

CBC Sports Captures the Joie de Vivre of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games

Working with CD Theresa Warburton and the creative team at CBC Sports in Toronto, animator/illustrator Amir Mrzae amplifies the multi-dimensional joie de vivre on display at the Paris Olympics in two wonderfully upbeat films. [Watch]

Figure F02 Robot teaser by Tendril | STASH MAGAZINE

The Tendril Team Cozy Up to the Figure F.02 Robot

Directors Joey Recoskie and DissEmbargo (Sebastian Helene and The Dink) lead the Tendril design and motion team on this intimate peek at the F.02 robot, Figure’s second-generation model of “embodied artificial intelligence.” [Watch]

Revenant Reveals Cute Cutscenes for Phoenix Lab’s Unreleased Everhaven Game | STASH MAGAZINE

Revenant Reveals Cute Cutscenes for Phoenix Labs’ Unreleased Everhaven Game

The growing (and welcome) trend of studios to passionately carry on with projects after they have been cancelled by the client continues with the release of this cutscene compilation produced by Glasgow CG mavens Revenant. [Watch]