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JVG Builds a “Forge of Facts” for The Washington Post (Director’s Cut)
Madrid CG house JVG provides appropriate levels of both drama and gravitas in a director’s cut of their film commissioned by The Washington Post promoting the paper’s coverage of the recent U.S. midterm elections. [Watch]
Ecole MoPA Students Align the Sun and Moon in “La Diplomatie de L’éclipse” Short Film
Clear your mind and set aside eight minutes to get lost in La Diplomatie de L’éclipse, the lyrical, thoughtful, and impossibly resplendent short from five fifth-year animation students at Ecole MoPA in Arles, France. [Watch]
Onur Senturk Merges Time and Architecture for MB&F
Working with Freestudios in Geneva, London-based Turkish director/artist Onur Senturk transforms the latest limited-edition masterpiece from Swiss luxury watch and clock maker MB&F into a desert-bound piece of kinetic architecture. [Watch]
AltSpace Explores the Fiery Soul of Aston Martin’s DBX707
Headquartered in Cyprus, CG studio AltSpace just drove onto the Stash radar with this mix of engineering and adrenaline showcasing the features underpinning the high performance of Aston Martin’s DBX707 luxury SUV. [Watch]
Emmanuelle Walker Loses Control in New Short Film “OMW”
WIZZ director/animator Emmanuelle Walker takes time away from the budgets and deadlines of commercial work to mine subconscious symbols from her life and art for this enigmatic and unpredictable short film. [Watch]
Ordinary Folk Rescues “Mainframe” Motion Project From the Bin of Destiny
It’s a tough fact of production life that some design jobs – usually ones you’ve invested with a lot of love – wither and die on the vine. The team at Ordinary Folk in Vancouver decided this was not one of those projects. [Watch]