RockFlow “Flow AI” Brand Film by Coat of Arms

CDs Clara Lehmann and Jonathan Lacocque at Coat of Arms: “RockFlow aims to help a younger generation break into the world of investing.

“A rockstar unicorn and a badass ‘corn-i-car’ take you through funky space scenes in retro arcade fashion. What part is your favorite? We’re quite fond of the floating rave bunny.”
RockFlow Flow AI Brand Film by Coat of Arms| STASH MAGAZINE

RockFlow Flow AI Brand Film by Coat of Arms| STASH MAGAZINE

RockFlow Flow AI Brand Film by Coat of Arms| STASH MAGAZINE

RockFlow Flow AI Brand Film by Coat of Arms| STASH MAGAZINE

RockFlow Flow AI Brand Film by Coat of Arms| STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Rockflow

Production: Coat of Arms
CD: Clara Lehmann, Jonathan Lacocque
Writer: Clara Lehmann, Rockflow
Editor: Jonathan Lacocque
Associate Producer: Grace Lawson
Designer/Illustrator: Lillian Darmono, Peiqing Lu, Vrinda Zaveri
Animator: Agris Čaurs, Federico Bressan, Friedrich Detering, Jeanette Nørgaard, Michelle Ku, Peiqing Lu, Ryan Butterworth

Composer: Chris Bartels @ Anthem Falls Music
Sound Design/Mix: Jennifer Pague
VO: Bryan Sheard